Who we are
Făclia Publishing House is an independent evangelical publisher and bookseller based on the town of Oradea in the west of Romania.
Brief History
Făclia Publishing House was founded in 1996 by Dinu Moga. After the fall of communism in Romania in 1989 it was immediately obvious that one acute need for the Romanian believers was the publication of Christian literature. After studying two years at London Theological Seminary and another three years for a BA degree with Trinity College, USA, he returned to Romania in 1996 with the precise aim of setting up a Reformed Baptist publishing house in Oradea, Romania.
Contact Us
S.C. FACLIA PRODCOM S.R.L. Reg. Com.: J05/1212/1996 CUI: RO8864088
Str. Facliei 36/D
Oradea, 410181
Judetul Bihor
T: +40 (259) 419318
T: +40 (359) 410906
M: +40 (722) 609746
E: contact@faclia.ro