Expository Preaching and Generation X

Honoring 2 Timothy 4:1-5 in Preaching to Postmodern-Minded Listeners

de David Lim


ISBN: 978-973-7791-10-8

128 pagini (EN - versiune)

versiune web

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  • The history of preaching turns on the expositors. From early church Fathers Jerome and Augustine, to the Scholastics, to the great pre-reformation preachers of Hus and Savonarola, to the great Reformation preachers, to Spurgeon in the 19th century and Lloyd-Jones in the 20th, the history of the church has been influenced by those who would faithfully proclaim Scripture. Today the press of contemporary church life is bent more heavily toward engaging the culture. While this is warranted and helpful, one must wonder if, in an effort to embrace the culture, the church eventually endorses the culture. Since the culture does not endorse preaching, the church faces the dilemma of rejecting or embracing preaching. Sadly, it seems that many churches have become the former. Sermons have become shorter and framed around human consciousness over and above Scripture. And perhaps more profoundly than any other time in the life of the church, people are pondering what Christian worship would look like without preaching.
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