Paul’s Relationship to the Jewish People

An Analysis of 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 and Romans 9:1-5

de Amy Karen Downey


ISBN: 978-973-7791-50-4

152 pagini (EN - versiune)

versiune web

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  • While this work is dedicated to the three men who have had the most profound impact on my theological life, there is no doubt that the best qualities of my character have been shaped by my parents, Jack and Barbara Downey. My father, who passed away in 2000, prayed with me to receive Jesus as my Messiah. My mother illustrates to me daily the reality of a “Proverbs 31 Woman” and my spiritual growth as a Christian lady is because of her strength, wisdom, and perseverance. The best part of this effort is because of the demand for excellence insisted upon by my supervisor, Dr. Siegfried Schatzmann. I cannot express fully my appreciation for his demand that I not settle for anything less than the best that God can produce in and through me. My prayer is that I have lived up to his and God’s standards for excellence. I am blessed to be a part of four churches that have influenced me in more ways that I can describe. Wedgwood Baptist in Fort Worth teaches me that one can hold to the fundamentals of the faith without exhibiting a critical spirit. Heritage Baptist in Waxahachie provides a place to call home when I visit my mother. Needham Road Baptist in Conroe encourages me daily through prayer and a shoulder on which to lean. Adat Shalom Messianic Congregation in Dallas enables me to serve the people of my heart, and my only hope is that I have blessed them as much as they bless me.
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